Thursday 10 November 2011

Downhill from 30?

Is it really? I've had so many things go wrong since I hit that magical number - some of which I wasn't expecting until I was much older....where has my memory gone? I can't blame pregnancy as its been a while, can it be baby brain when both kids get to school? I think not - but why do I need to carry a notebook with me at all times?

I run my own business, I like to think of myself as quite an intelligent person - why have I become so forgetful. I left a shop telling myself which shop I had to go to next - yet as soon as I got in the car I forgot where I was going and almost got home by the time I'd realised.

So, my Mummy notebook has become my lives in my handbag. I can write myself a list and get a lot of satisfaction of crossing each item off - sad eh?